About Us
Our Story:
Easychoirmusic.com was born of a desire to bring affordable, convenient music to both large and small choirs alike. By offering instant downloads with an unlimited printing license for one small price, ECM offers convenience without sacrificing quality.
Here's how it works:
- Pay once
- Instantly receive a PDF of your piece to print as many times as you like
It's just that easy.
We also offer:
- Rehearsal Tracks for Every Voice Part
Meet The Team:
John Parker - Co-founder Easychoirmusic.com
John is a choral music composer with more than 750 published works. With a Bachelor's of Music from Louisiana College and a Master's of Music from Northwestern State University, John is an experienced, seasoned professional in the music industry.
John founded Parker Publications in 1995 and has a wide variety of experience in everything from live performance, to composing music and lyrics, to private instruction, and even clinic work. His "How To Start a Fine Arts Academy" book series has helped launch high-quality private instruction programs for thousands of students worldwide.
Jay Parker - Co-founder Easychoirmusic.com
Jay is a young music professional based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A graduate from the LSU School of Music, Jay is a tenacious industry executive with a passion for innovating fresh ideas in the creative world.
Jay has an eclectic background with experience in everything from film and commercial scoring, to artist management, to studio production, and live performance. Jay has maintains a small private studio of guitar and piano students, and serves as the Director of Marketing and Product Development at Parker Publications Inc.